Saturday 23 January 2010

After i attended my class specific for Time Management, Mr. Prabhu who conducted the class asked me to create my Time Journey and 5 Years Goals....

I have to renew it after 5 years and I've hanged it next to my bed.....
I hope it Can really Motivate me tO ahiEve my Goals in nExt 5yEarS......

HerE is mY 5 YearS goAls....

1) I Want to Further my Study at Least MasTer in DiplomAcy.... ( tArget After I fiNish mY ManAgemEnt TraiNEE at AEON JUSCO... May B As A PaRt TiMer): end of 2010

2) StArtiNg My Own BuSiness... ShoulD be BistrO@KoPitiam wHich HanDliNg bY MaMA aNd ABah... ( of course TheY will Love It... A lotzzzz.....):2011

3) My SaLary uP Untill At LeaSt RM 3000 in 2013...( nOt Too DemandIng, I guEss)

4) Being a Wife tO sOmebodY and A motHer tO my Own Child....2014

5) SeNding MaMa And AbAH to Mecca... InsYaallah... 2014

I Hope tHat I cAn AchieVe my Goal On time.... ShoulD staRt froM knOw as my fiRst stEp....

Jia YoU Anim!!!!!! ngee.......~~(^_^)